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​8:30-9:30 am

Registration & breakfast

​9:30-9:45 am

Welcome & opening remarks by Lavea Brachman, Executive Director of Greater Ohio Policy Center

10:00 - 11:15 am     SESSION I


Panel A: Making the Case for Regional Economic Growth in Ohio


Several of the major metropolitan regions in Ohio have begun collecting and utilizing data to track demographic and land use patterns and project future growth scenarios to better position them for economic growth.  Focused on their health and future, these regional initiatives aim to implement new strategies in areas such as land use, economic development, transportation, and quality of life, to ensure they maximize their ability to compete for jobs, businesses, and residents in the 21st century.  This panel, featuring representatives from the Northeast Ohio Sustainable Communities Consortium (NEOSCC), Insight2050 of Central Ohio, Agenda 360 in the Cincinnati region, and the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission, will discuss the use of data to drive regional economic growth, the challenges of working across multiple jurisdictions, and offer insights into the differences and similarities in how they are implementing their regional goals.


Confirmed panelists include:

Yaromir Steiner, Founder and CEO, Steiner + Associates, Columbus

Don Romancak, Director of Community Development, Lorain County

Martin Kim, Director of Regional Planning, Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission, Dayton

Mary Stagaman, Vice President for Regional Initiatives and Executive Director, Agenda 360 at Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber, Cincinnati

Moderator: Ned Hill, Dean of the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University, Cleveland


Panel B: Strategic Revitalization: Leveraging Assets, Anchors & Land


Building on assets is a key strategy for revitalizing neighborhoods, cities, and regions. Significant local assets in Ohio’s cities include anchor institutions—such as universities and medical centers that have an increasing stake in taking a more proactive role in the redevelopment of their surrounding neighborhood—available land, and historic properties. Panelists will discuss a wide range of different strategies for leveraging local assets and anchors for community stabilization and economic growth.


Confirmed panelists include:

Aaron Sorrell, Director of Planning and Community Development, City of Dayton

Michael Love, Economic Development Director, City of South Euclid

Darin Hall, Vice President of Real Estate Development, Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority

Angela Mingo, Director of Community Relations, Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus

Moderator: Alan Mallach, Senior Fellow, Center for Community Progress


​11:30 am - 1:00 pm    

Lunch & Keynote Address by Mayor Michael B. Coleman of Columbus, Ohio


Greater Ohio Policy Center is excited to announce that Mayor Michael B. Coleman will be the lunchtime keynote speaker of the Restoring Neighborhoods, Strengthening Economies Summit. Click here to learn more.

​1:15-2:30 pm     SESSION II


Panel A: Building Innovation Economies in Ohio: Localized Strategies for Economic Growth


This panel will explore ways that Ohio’s cities and neighborhoods are implementing new strategies to stimulate innovation ecosystems that aim to spur productive and sustainable economic development. Panelists will discuss creative approaches to spark innovation, small business growth and entrepreneurial activity that attract people and firms to their respective cities.


Confirmed panelists include:

Travis Sheridan, Executive Director, Venture Café St. Louis

Steve Schoeny, Director of the Department of Development, City of Columbus

Beth Robinson, Executive Director, Cincinnati Uptown Consortium

Jim Cossler, President, Youngstown Business Incubator

Moderator: Chris Ronayne, Executive Director, University Circle Inc. in Cleveland


Panel B: Finding Solutions to Ohio's Water Infrastructure Challenges


Ohio cities, large and small, must address the critical behind-the-scenes challenge of modernizing their water and sewer infrastructure to avoid potential serious public health crises and environmental degradation, and to create capacity to attract and support businesses and residents.  However, Ohio’s cities are struggling to find ways to finance the complicated infrastructure overhauls needed to address these challenges, comply with federal mandates, and even support on-going maintenance. In fact, it is estimated that Ohio will need over $25 billion to maintain and upgrade aging water infrastructure over the next 20 years.  Panelists will discuss the scope of these infrastructure challenges along with innovative financing approaches and sustainable solutions necessary for Ohio’s cities to function smoothly and accommodate regrowth.


Confirmed panelists include:

Julius Ciaccia, Chief Executive Officer, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

Steven Grossman, Executive Director, Ohio Water Development Authority

MaryLynn Lodor, Deputy Director, Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati

David Robinson, Principal and Founder, Montrose Group

Moderator: Alauddin Alauddin, Chief of the Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency


​2:45-4:00 pm     SESSION III


Panel A: Transportation as Economic Development: The Costs & Rewards of Diversifying Ohio's Transportation System


Robust transportation systems offering a range of modes—including transit, bikeways, and pedestrian-safe corridors—can be critical in promoting economic growth and redevelopment by enhancing Ohio’s attraction for businesses and talent.  But like all states, Ohio has limited dollars for major transportation projects.  This panel brings together public and private sector leaders from the state, regional and local levels to discuss the short- and long-term economic benefits of investing in modern, diverse, and competitive transportation options, making strategic decisions about where to target those investments, and balancing current fiscal constraints with future economic rewards.


Confirmed panelists include:

Jennifer Townley, Deputy Director of the Division of Planning, Ohio Department of Transportation

Scott Phinney, Administrator of the Office of Statewide Planning and Research, Ohio Department of Transportation

Mark Donaghy, Executive Director, Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority

Jason Segedy, Director, Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study

Sidney Florey, Business Development Manager of North America, VINCI Concessions

Moderator: Ross McGregor, Executive Vice President, Pentaflex, Inc. and prior Chairman of the Transportation Subcommittee of the House of Representatives’ Finance and Appropriations Committee


Panel B: Redeveloping Commercial Vacant Properties & Business Districts: Linking Property Use and Economic Revitalization


Neighborhood commercial districts can signal the health and vitality of a community, influencing the growth and economy of surrounding neighborhoods. However, commercial corridors often lag behind regrowth in surrounding residential areas that are experiencing a turnaround.   In response to shifting demand, communities are leveraging commercial vacant properties in new ways—leading to more comprehensive neighborhood redevelopment.  This panel will feature practitioners from commercial areas around the state, including Detroit Shoreway in Cleveland and Parsons Avenue in Columbus, who will share tools and strategies that intentionally connect residential and commercial redevelopment, leverage available commercial properties for small business growth, and discuss strategies for linking the new market with the local business sector.


Confirmed panelists include:

Sadicka White, Chief of Community Services, Ohio Development Services Agency

Laura Brunner, Executive Director, Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority

Steve Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Model Group

Jeffrey Ramsey, Executive Director, Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization

Jeff Siegler, Director of Revitalization, Heritage Ohio

Moderator: Mark Barbash, Executive Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Finance Fund

4:15-6:15 pm

Networking Reception with Members of the Ohio General Assembly


​8:00-9:00 am

Breakfast & The Greater Ohio Sustainable Development Awards


The Greater Ohio Sustainable Development Awards honor individuals and organizations working to create vibrant and sustainable communities, cities, and regions in Ohio. Click here to learn more about the Awards.


9:00-9:15 am    

Plenary Remarks by Director David Goodman of the Ohio Development Services Agency


Greater Ohio Policy Center is excited to announce that Director David Goodman of the Ohio Development Services Agency will giving plenary remarks at the Restoring Neighborhoods, Strengthening Economies Summit. Click here to learn more.

​9:30-10:45 am     SESSION IV


Panel A: Innovative Financing Tools for Credit Challenged Neighborhoods


Declining population and other factors in Ohio’s cities have left many urban neighborhoods at a tipping point between potential stabilization and continued decline. However, a lack of available credit and financing tools pose a major hurdle to revitalizing “opportunity neighborhoods” in Ohio; that is those neighborhoods with revitalization potential.  This panel will address what these innovative financing options might be, and how these neighborhoods could benefit from a wider range of available financing tools.  Panelists will discuss ways that the private sector can mitigate risk when investing in these neighborhoods, the public sector role in facilitating private sector investment, and how these new financing tools and strategies can be implemented by CDCs, CDFIs, and other financial entities.


Confirmed panelists include:

Toby Rittner, President & CEO, Council of Development Finance Agencies

Kelan Craig, Business Manager for Planning, Preservation & Development, Ohio Housing Finance Agency

Jeanne Golliher, President & CEO, Cincinnati Development Fund

Maria Thompson, Manager of Community Development, Third Federal Savings & Loan

Robert Klein, Founder and Chairman, RIK Enterprises/Safeguard Properties/SecureView

Moderator: Lavea Brachman, Executive Director, Greater Ohio Policy Center


Panel B: Smaller City Strategies for Economic Regrowth: The Case of Hamilton, Ohio


Smaller and medium-sized cities throughout Ohio have struggled to retain population and restore their economies after decades of disinvestment and the loss of key industries.  Regrowth of their economies may require different solutions and take a distinctive trajectory from those of larger cities. This panel will provide a deep dive into complementary, cross-sector approaches being used in Hamilton, Ohio to revitalize the city and grow the local economy. Representatives from the City of Hamilton, a regional business incubator called the Hamilton Mill, and the Hamilton Core Fund, which pools funding across sectors for redevelopment in the city, will discuss how they are working together to reimagine the role of the city in the regional economy.


Confirmed panelists include:

Joshua Smith, City Manager, City of Hamilton

Chris Lawson, Executive Director, The Hamilton Mill

Mike Dingeldein, Owner, Community Design Alliance, Hamilton

Moderator: Alison Goebel, Associate Director, Greater Ohio Policy Center


​11:00 am - 12:15 pm     SESSION V


Panel A: Addressing Issues of Equitable Regrowth in Ohio's Cities & Regions


As our cities and regions revitalize, how do we ensure that our communities and the people who live there have access to opportunity and jobs?  This panel will discuss ways to address issues of equitable growth in Ohio’s cities and regions, assist vulnerable populations with access to opportunity in their neighborhoods and in the workforce, and enhance quality of life for both people and places throughout Ohio.


Confirmed panelists include:

Brad Whitehead, Executive Director, Fund for Our Economic Future

Trudy Bartley, Executive Director, Partners Achieving Community Transformation (PACT)

Kathy Schwab, Executive Director, LISC Cincinnati

Matthew Martin, Senior Researcher, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity

Moderator: Michael Wilkos, Senior Community Research and Grants Management Officer, Columbus Foundation


Panel B: Businesses Investing in Places: Opportunities for Economic Revitalization in Ohio


Businesses across Ohio have been investing in their surrounding communities in ways that align with their business goals, mission, and values. This panel will provide examples of how businesses are leading sustainable development efforts, often in partnership with the public sector, to revitalize their communities in ways that lead to place-based innovation and lasting business value.


Confirmed panelists include:

Courtney Hodapp, Vice President and Relationship Manager of Global Philanthropy in Ohio, JPMorgan Chase

Jack Schron, President, Jergens, Inc.

Kristi Tanner, Managing Director, JobsOhio

Lauren McGarity, Director of Special Projects for Legal, Policy & Legislative Services, Ohio Board of Regents

Moderator: Peg Moertl, Senior Vice President of Community Development Banking, PNC Bank, Cincinnati


Lunch & Plenary Mayor's Panel


A Mayors’ Conversation: Setting an Agenda for Ohio's Cities


Ohio’s cities and metros are economic drivers of the state’s economy—centers of collaboration, innovation, and creativity with a high concentration of attractive assets.  At the same time, our cities have challenges and areas for improvement in revitalizing their residential and commercial districts, upgrading infrastructure, and attracting and retaining businesses and people.  Highlighting their cities’ successes, as well as their opportunities, leading mayors from around the state will discuss strategies they are using to leverage their assets and address their challenges; identify the critical public, private, and non-profit partners necessary to implement these strategies and ways they work together; and highlight policies and practices needed to ensure future growth. 


Confirmed panelists include:

Mayor Nan Whaley, City of Dayton

Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson, City of Toledo

Mayor John McNally, City of Youngstown

Mayor Randy Riley, City of Wilmington

Moderator: Karen Kasler, Statehouse News Bureau Chief, Ohio Public Radio and Television


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